Our policies and procedures help ensure that we are able to assist you in your fitness, well-being and safety.
COVID-19 Related Protocol
Body Moves relies on reports and guidelines from credible agencies in deciding protocol for safety during the COVID-19 pandemic era. Such agencies include the WHO, the CDC, Iowa Department of Health and fitness professional associations. As recommendations from these agencies change, Body Moves adapts its protocol to help protect students, instructors and the broader community.
During the COVID-19 pandemic era, Body Moves students and instructors will:
- Wear face coverings while in the studio.
- Practice frequent soap-and-water handwashing.
- Maintain 6-foot distancing among others in the studio.
- Use alcohol-based disinfectant on hands upon entering and leaving the studio
- Use alcohol-based disinfectant on surfaces touched during classes and workouts.
- Yoga and body sculpt students are encouraged to bring their own mats, blankets, and bolsters.
- Street shoes are not permitted in the movement rooms. Many classes are designed for bare feet. If you need to wear shoes, then wear light-weight, soft-soled, non-marking shoes dedicated for indoor-only use.Personal belongings are not allowed in the movement rooms other than equipment needed for the event.
- Stay at home if you have flu-like symptoms. Rest, recover, and prevent the spread of virus.
- We strongly recommend that individuals receive the COVID-19 vaccine and booster.
The studio continues pre-COVID-19 era protocol of daily moping, restroom cleaning, surface cleaning between classes and events with disinfectant of commonly touched hard surfaces, and the use of disposable paper products. Air-flow measures are employed during classes and workouts.
Ongoing Policies and Procedures
Students must sign a release of liability agreement before participating in their first class or event at Body Moves. Students may grant permission for Body Moves to use photos, videos, motion pictures, recordings and testimonials for informational and promotional use.
Participation in small group personal training, group fitness and specialty class programs require the completion of a formal written agreement between the student and Body Moves. The agreement specifies policy regarding health history and current functional fitness, as well as membership rules and regulations. The student shall pay the agreed upon monthly tuition by auto debit and may renew the agreement at the then current tuition rate.
Body Moves reserves the right to make class and instructor substitutions and to cancel classes and events due to situations including, but not limited to, student interest and demand, instructor availability, public health measures, seasonal changes, and severe weather. Class and event cancellations will be posted on this website and Body Moves Fitness and Wellness Facebook community and private group pages.
Body Moves is not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to any member’s personal property inside or outside the facility.
Operating hours, rules and tuition rates may be amended by Body Moves as posted on this website and/or Body Moves social media channels.