Today’s activity involves our senses.
Our senses link us to the world around us, helping us read and interpret our environment.
They are what allow us to survive in the world, but often we forget about them.
We use them regularly, but we do not appreciate them.
Close your eyes.
Think about what you love to taste…
what you love to smell…
what makes your heart happy when you see it…
what is a skin sensation you love to feel…
what sounds do you love to hear…
Don’t rush through that list!
Recognize each sense and truly pause to think about it.
How do you experience joy differently through each sense?
- TASTE: What is a taste you love? Where have you tasted it before?
- HEARING: What is a sound you love to hear? Remember, it doesn’t have to be a loud sound! Where have you heard it?
- SMELL: What smell immediately “takes you back somewhere” or makes you stop in your tracks?
- TOUCH: What do you love to feel with your hands or on your body?
- SIGHT: What makes you smile every time you see it, even if it’s not in the same situation every time?
Focus on what makes you feel happy when you experience these things. Chances are you have a special memories associated with a few favorite things to sense.
Allow your mind explore each sense for a few minutes, then jot down 2-3 things you love to sense in each of the five areas.
This coming Saturday, November 5, our gratitude challenge activity will be done on a walk, so start planning where you will take yours!