Hello, Body Moves Community!
We have LOTS to share as we transition into summer.
We have a new summer schedule; however, it will NOT take effect until next week on Monday, June 7.
The changes are:
- The Wednesday Body Sculpt and the Saturday Zumba classes will move to Tuesday
- Pilates will be a Saturday Hybrid (in-studio and Zoom) class (not an upload)
- Tuesday’s Nia class will be in the morning
- Saturday’s classes will begin a half-hour earlier
You will find the new weekly class schedule when you click the CLASS SCHEDULE menu tab on our homepage.
By human nature, we resist change, but it does wonders for our body and brain. Take advantage of this moment to grow. Step out of your comfort zone and try some new classes. Shake up you own schedule by building in new or different activity.
Perhaps part of this can include one or more sessions of our new workshop: A Month of Meditation. On Wednesdays in June (beginning June 9) yoga instructor Barbara Sorenson will encourage participants replace feelings of anxiety and turmoil with thoughts of serenity and peace through breath work and meditation. Each session will include guidance for the week ahead, providing continuity throughout the whole month.
Sign up for one or more of the meditation sessions here.,
Or, call us at 319-337-4777 to make your reservations.
Our quarterly book club is on Saturday, June 12, at 11:30 a.m. We will be meeting online and in-studio to discuss American Nations, by Colin Woodard.
Our book club is open to the public, so please invite friends! Both you and they can sign up HERE. Or, call us at 319-337-4777 to hold your space.
We continue to ask that you sign up online for classes and activities before coming to the studio. If you have never accessed our MindBody signing-up program, you will need to contact Kari (319-337-4777) to set up your account. If you have forgotten or don’t know your password, Kari can help. You can email her at tom_gurl@hotmail.com or leave a message for her at Body Moves (319-337-4777).