We have a special treat for you tomorrow, Saturday, May 18!
Our qigong and T’ai Chi instructor Sue Campney will teach a qigong class from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.! Qigong instead of yoga tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. A great chance for Body Moves students to experience qigong and it is part of your Active Living and 5-Classes Monthly package plus is a group-fitness class option for our Small Group Personal Training Students!
What is Qigong? Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) is an ancient Chinese exercise and healing technique that involved slow flowing movement, meditation and controlled breathing. Benefits include reduced stress, increased stamina/vitality and improved function of the immune system.
The movement is done primarily standing, though a chair can be used if needed. No experience is required. Wear comfortable clothing, bare/socked feet or flat shoes.
Join us for this amazing class! After Qigong, the schedule is the same: Nia at 9 a.m., Zumba at 10 a.m.