Have you thought through any New Year’s resolutions?
Have you also already resolved to fail in them!?
If so, you’re not alone. Insideoutmastery.com cites that 43% of all people expect to fail in their New Year’s resolutions before February and one in four quit within the first week! By the end of January, many others have abandoned their resolve and a mere 9% of people actually see their resolutions through until succession.
With statistics like that, why bother setting resolutions!?
So maybe we should resolve NOT to make any more resolutions? But that doesn’t feel right either, as if because we’ve resigned ourselves to failure, therefore we don’t even try.
Ralph Waldo Emerson coined the phrase, “Life is a journey”; but without a goal, a resolution, how does a person know he or she is headed in the right direction?
That’s why it’s important to hear the second part of Emerson’s quote:
Life is a journey, not a destination.
Where you’ve passed along the way of your life is just as significant as where you end up and often influences where that is!
So what is the balance? How do you enjoy the journey, but still have direction?
A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. It’s an absolute, and that’s why we like them. Resolutions are strong and unmovable, but that is also the problem. That is why we break ourselves against them when we fail to keep them. Worse yet, if your New Year’s resolution are a promise to yourself, what does it mean when you don’t keep them?
When you set a resolution, you have every intent to keep it. Intent is the key word.
What if this year you set intentions instead of resolutions?
To intend is to have a strong purpose or aim, a course of action with a purpose and plan. Sounds an awful lot like a resolution, yes? But it is made of a softer stuff.
There is a goal to every intention, but the result is open-ended. You work toward the goal, but you’re success doesn’t depend upon reaching it!
If a storm comes and re-directs your boat, you may land on a different beach than you planned on…and your intention can still be success. It will still be okay! Maybe even better than okay because it means that softer intention can be molded to your new surroundings to encapsulate a new focus and a forward purpose.
This January, Body Moves is offering an INTENTIONS Email COURSE in which students will receive a daily email containing pertinent information and prompts for personal application over a 14-day period. At the end, students will have an opportunity to meet in person at Body Moves Fitness & Wellness Center to reflect on their discoveries with the newly founded community.
Throughout the course, participants will examine the differences between intentions and goals, explore why both choices are better than traditional New Year’s resolutions, and the importance of setting intentions on a both a large and small scale. Students will consider the power of words and why the specific words we use matter. Last, the class will present ways to build accountability into our individual lives for long-term success while practicing this on a small-scale with fellow students by engage in virtual class discussions and reflection activities.
January 11-24
Tuition: $50
In-studio group wrap-up session at date TBD
**Minimum of 10 participants required**
Prepare to enter 2023 with a renewed mindset and sense of community as the students works both individually and together to define personal intentions and start the new year off right!