T’ai Chi
T’ai Chi is an ancient martial art that uses slow, flowing movement and postures to increase balance, strength, focus, energy, and grounding. Based on simple but challenging principles of movement, it lifts the spirit and calms the mind. T’ai Chi is not just exercise. It is frequently described as ‘meditation in motion’ and is a way to move through life.
A Specialty Class at Body Moves, T’ai Chi is a progressive movement practice. As students progress though the 37-posture short form, Cheng Man-Ching style, new postures are introduced. Students build upon the short form postures while continuing to practice the basic principles. Upon completion of the form, students continue to make adjustments, implement basic principles and practice form correction.
Students can opt to take T’ai Chi classes in-studio or through the Zoom platform. Classes are taught Mondays at 5:30 p.m., Mondays at 6:30 p.m., and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and are 60-minutes in length. Students choose to take T’ai Chi either one or both classes weekly with a 7-month or 12-month renewable commitment.
T’ai Chi students have access to the studio’s Private T’ai Chi Facebook page with its library of T’ai Chi videos developed by the instructor, discussions among instructors and fellow students, and the studio’s Touch Point series.
Enrollment is limited. Please visit or call the studio (319) 337-4777 for more information and help with registration.

Yoga with a Chair
Yoga with a Chair is a movement option of our Specialty Class Program. With the simple use of a chair, master perfect alignment and gain access to the health benefits of a yoga practice without having to get up and down from the floor. Chair yoga is appropriate for beginners, persons with physical limitations, and those seeking a more gentle practice that offers new options. There is an emphasis on breath work as a method of relaxation and focus.
There is a limited enrollment capacity for personalized attention and modifications. The class meets weekly under a 7-month or 12-month contract. Students have the option to take the class in-studio or through the Zoom online format. Call or email us to learn about class times and tuition.

Nia® Moving to Heal
Nia® Moving to Heal is a Specialty Class Program at Body Moves. Moving to Heal classes are designed for everybody with long- or short-term healing goals, including: recovery from injury, surgery, trauma, addiction, grief and loss, depression, arthritis, Parkinson’s and other movement challenges. The Moving to Heal program teaches students to listen to the voices of the body through sensation. Sensation is a tool for self-healing. The goal of Nia® Moving to Heal is to “feel better” and to move with greater ease.
Each class has a specific focus and intent. Moving to Heal is practiced with inspiring music in stockings or with bare feet and can be practiced standing or sitting. The Moving to Heal instructor designs classes to inform, calm, inspire, energize, stabilize, strength, motivate, and always to connect to feeling better in body and everyday life.
Nia Moving to Heal is taught based on student demand and instructor availability. Please contact the studio at 319-337-4777 for current offerings.
There is limited enrollment capacity for personalized attention and modifications. The class meets weekly under a 7-month or 12-month renewable contract. Call or email us to learn about class times and tuition.