Active Living Classes Program
Active Living classes are group fitness classes that accommodate 10 or more students. There is not an established progression of content and classes are taught with group teaching techniques. Students have flexibility on the frequency that they choose to take Active Living classes. Students choose among three Active Living tuition programs: Unlimited Classes Monthly; 5 Classes Monthly; or the Single Class option. The Unlimited Classes Monthly and the 5 Classes Monthly choices are 12-month renewable commitments. Our Active Living classes are in:
- Ageless Grace®
- Barefoot Strong
- Body Sculpt
- Gentle Yoga
- Mat Pilates
- Nia®
- Qigong
- Yin Yoga
- Zumba®
Specialty Class Program
Students learn through an established progression of content and technique that allows instructors to make modifications for individual students. Due to the nature of instruction, class enrollments are small in number. Specialty classes are taken on specified days and times each week. Students choose which Specialty Class program is most appropriate for their needs. Our Specialty Classes options are:
- T’ai Chi, 7-month or 12-month renewable commitment
- Yoga with a Chair, 7-month or 12-month renewable commitment
- Barefoot Balance, 7-month or 12-month renewable commitment