Rainy weather or not,
bright smiles are guaranteed at Body Moves this weekend!
Join us this coming SUNDAY afternoon,
APRIL 24, at 2:00pm
as we celebrate Body Moves instructors and students!
This year, we are commemorating NINE YEARS! of bringing movement, mobility, strength,
and education to our students and the greater Iowa City/Coralville area.
Many of you have been with us on this incredible journey, and we are so very grateful!
So much to celebrate and be thankful for…and we want to celebrate with YOU!

Please join us this weekend!
The party won’t be complete without YOU!
Don’t forget to SIGN UP to let us know you’re coming.
(Click here.)
Before you go, be sure to check out our EVENTS PAGE to see our
other upcoming FREE Anniversary Events!
You won’t want to miss out!
See you soon!